Privacy Anuncement

BREZ is responsable to collect your personal data and we inform you the following: your personal information will be used for the purpouses of service that you request.

The administration and operation of the services and products that you request.

In an aditional form, we will use your information for the next purposes, that are not usefully for the service, but to improve our service, offer you new services and products related with you.

We also collect your information so we can invite you to contests and events with marketing purposes, comertial proyection and marketing.
In case you do not want your information to be treated for this aditional purposes send an e-mail to with your request.

The negative for the use of your data wont be a reason to denied you our service or products for the purposes before mentioned, we will need the following data:

You have the right to know which of your personal data, what is the use we are gaving to them and the conditions we are using them.

That way, it is your right to request the update of the data either its unexact or incomplete, or to be eliminated or our records when you consider it is not beeing used according to the principals, duties and obligations acoordind to the laws; the same way you have the right to object to the use to the specific use of your personal data. This rights are known as ARCO.

You have the right to rovoke the consent that in your case, have given to us for the treatment of your personal data. However, it is important for you to know that it is not gonna be immidiatly your request, and it is possible that for any legal obligation we need to keep your information. Howeveryou must consider for certain issues, your consentment revocation involve that we could not provide the service any longer To exercise any ARCO rights, you must present the respective request thrue

We inform you that thrue our web site, we use cookies and other tecnologies it is possible to keep track of your behavier as Internet user, and provide you a better service and a better experience,and provide you better service and products based in your preferences.

The data we recibe from this tracking tecnologies are the following: Navegation time,duration in our web site,consulted sections, and web sites visited previous to your visit.

The current privacy warning could suffer changes, modifications and updates according to the new legal requirements; of our own needs for the services and products that we offer; of our privacy practics; and of the changes in our bussines model or diferent causes.

We are commitedto keep you informed obout the changes that may suffer the present privacy warning thrue an e-mail.

This Privacy warning will be always avaliable in our web site.